Alabama Remodeling Excellence Awards Terms & Conditions
I agree that if my entry is selected as a winner, all promotion, advertising, business stationary, and/ or marketing literature used by me or my company, firm, or corporation, wherein the award is mentioned, will clearly state the title of the award, the level of award, the category, and the year in which the award was presented.
I hereby affirm that all facts and materials set forth herein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that all required work relevant to this application and materials furnished thereto were performed and furnished by the undersigned, except where otherwise specifically set forth. I also affirm that I have read and agree to all the rules, regulations, and guidelines of the Alabama Remodeling Excellence Awards program and competition.
I hereby affirm that all facts and materials set forth herein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that all required work relevant to this application and materials furnished thereto were performed and furnished by the undersigned, except where otherwise specifically set forth. I also affirm that I have read and agree to all the rules, regulations, and guidelines of the Alabama Remodeling Excellence Awards program and competition.